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6 Inch Wide Kitchen Wall Cabinet

Bryce Wong

Rental Property Investor from Exeter, CA

posted about 5 years ago

Hi everyone! I recently purchased a dishwasher and had my contractor install it in between the sink and the stove. The problem is, after he removed the cabinets in between and installed the dishwasher, there is a 6 inch wide by 34.5" tall space that is left for me to fill. I tried searching high and low for a 6" wide kitchen cabinet but it's hard to find one around. My question is, would I have to resort to custom making one or are there places that do sell 6 inch cabinets? What other options do I have to fill that space up?

Any advice would be appreciated, thank you.

Michael Masterson

Rental Property Investor from Lakewood, OH

replied about 5 years ago


If you take a look on Amazon you should be able to find a "filler cabinet" to your exact
Dimensions you're looking for. If that isn't cost effective Home Depot & Lowes sell blank filler pieces you can stain to match your cabinetry. It's a good alternative to custom.

get  2 ,,, 3 inch filler pieces join them together on the back,, secure with screws,, and get a toe kick piece,, and put in space.. used alot next to sink and dishwashers.. hope you can match to what you have now.

Account Closed

replied about 5 years ago

@Bryce Wong

 I don't think there are 6" cabinets;  9" is the smallest I'm aware of. You'll need to use filler strips in this situation...maybe a 3" strip on each side of the opening.

 Another issue: how are you supporting the counter-top where you removed the cabinets for the dishwasher?  Did you or the installer frame an 'end panel' or some type of support?  If you are not able to do this work yourself, you'll have to hire a carpenter but it's not difficult for someone with experience.

Jeff Wallace

Rental Property Investor from The Woodlands, TX

replied about 5 years ago

@Bryce Wong

they make them - perfect for cookie sheets or cutting board etc. go to lowes and the cabinet designer should be able to get a fairly close match to door style and color.

Bryce Wong

Rental Property Investor from Exeter, CA

replied about 5 years ago

@Jeff W. They do make them at Lowes? Interesting, I was looking in the store and I can't find it anywhere. I'll check with the cabinet designer again to confirm your suggestion, but thank you!

@Account Closed Thank you. I was looking more for a cabinet solution instead of just simply filling the space with filler pieces.

Jeff Wallace

Rental Property Investor from The Woodlands, TX

replied about 5 years ago

@Bryce Wong

Yes, but you won't be able to get it "off the shelf" the designer will need to order it

Don Meinke

Investor from Northeast, Nebraska

replied about 5 years ago

You can cut an existing cabinet down to fit.

I once took an upper corner cabinet apart with a circle saw and a six pack of beer one night,,,and reconstructed it as a lower with a toe kick.  As you well know the depth is different but you would have had to inspect really close to discover same.  Door design is probably the hardest part.  IF your willing to have one sided design not so much.  A table saw would help,,,and a few less beers.  I was lucky and turning the door upside down matched all the lines.  IF you wanted to save both edge designs you could run 3" thru a table saw and glue back together. Planning is your friend.(you will NEVER find another filler or cabinet to match yours better than the existing left over.

BUT if I can do it you can too!!

Max T.

Investor from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

replied about 5 years ago

Buy a piece of wood and rip it to fit your gap. Stain to match existing cabinets.

Nothing useful fits in a 6" cabinet. Save yourself the money on a cabinet and just buy or make a filler piece.

Tanya F.

Rental Property Investor from Madison, WI

replied about 5 years ago

Or you could make custom box with rollers for cookie sheets/ a large baking pans or attach a wire basket or two for small items. It can be useful space instead of filling it.

@Bryce Wong ,

one question still stays (@Account Closed posted already):

what holds your countertops over the dishwasher and over the 6" missing space?

front and back?

JD Martin (Moderator) -

Rock Star Extraordinaire from Northeast, TN

replied about 5 years ago

Go the filler strip route, but if possible put a 3" piece on either side rather than 2 pieces together. You can make this work by using a couple of floor cleats and a thin side panel and attach it all together. This will look better than just having the dishwasher butt up against the stove.

Bryce Wong

Rental Property Investor from Exeter, CA

replied about 5 years ago

Thanks for all your help guys. I've decided to just modify my existing cabinets to make a hollow cookie sheet cabinet. Cost: Free!

What do you think?

Account Closed

replied about 5 years ago


I run into these situations all the time when flipping houses. I hate waisting the space with fillers. Jeff W had mentioned a cookie sheet pull out which is a goos idea. I have also used a space like this for spices. I would find a custom shop and have them build something useful, it will be worth it in the long run.

If you take your time and do some research you should be able to find someone to build this for a fraction of what home depot would charge.

I have priced many kitchens through home depot and my cabinet guy consistently comes in about 40% less. It is worth looking around.

Bryce Wong

Rental Property Investor from Exeter, CA

replied about 5 years ago

Steve StMartin Thanks for your prompt reply! I've decided to go with modifying my existing cabinet this fill the empty space. I've attached a picture above. Let me know what you think!

Carlos Tavares

Real Estate Professional from Pawtucket, Rhode Island

replied about 5 years ago

@Bryce Wong that is what I call unorthodox renovations and I think it's great

Account Closed

replied about 5 years ago

@Bryce Wong . Bryce, It seems you are handy. You could take the extra parts from the cabinets you removed and make a door. That would give you a finished look and cost very little. The one thing to always keep in mind when remodeling. When done, it shouldn't look like you have been there.

JD Martin (Moderator) -

Rock Star Extraordinaire from Northeast, TN

replied about 5 years ago

Good use of cabinet space but it looks like a cabinet that is missing a door. I would expand on what you did and cut a door down smaller, mount a center floor slider, and create a spice rack and/or pullout cookie sheet drawer.

Ravi P.

Investor from Schaumburg, Illinois

replied about 5 years ago

The cabinets look like they are stock from Home Depot. They also stock a 3 inch filler. You could combine 2 of them for the six inch space.

 But I will,say you did a good job on  the cookie sheet rack. I  would recommend adding a door or some type of cover.


Kurt F.

Investor from Rocktown, Illinois

replied about 5 years ago

@Bryce Wong .......  look at you.  Well played, sir.  You went the mile, but I'd also suggest going the last inch -- which is, if you kept the demo'd drawer and cabinet door, I'm thinking you clearly have the skee-ohs to properly cut them down and create a finished look for this job.   Still free for materials, and looks complete.

Nice work, Bryce.

Originally posted by @Bryce Wong :

Thanks for all your help guys. I've decided to just modify my existing cabinets to make a hollow cookie sheet cabinet. Cost: Free!

What do you think?

 Nicely done

Suzy Thompson

Real Estate Investor from Anchorage, AK

replied about 5 years ago

I would caution putting a spice rack next to the oven. Extended heat for spices isn't the best. If you use it for cookie sheets, see if you can add a shelf above the sheets to optimize storage.

Neil Huck

Investor from Bellevue, WA

replied about 5 years ago

I would put a 3" filler on each side of the dishwasher.

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6 Inch Wide Kitchen Wall Cabinet
